Wednesday, June 9, 2010

June 8th, 2010

I am currently trying to find a way to sit that doesn't kill my back, because here in Montford Books, where we are currently leaching off the WiFi (more on the internet situation in a minute) has only these green plastic chairs. To be fair there is also a large table, but there is someone in the room there and we would prefer not to bother the heck out of the poor guy. I'm sure we're doing enough of that hissing and muttering over here, as well as my computer dinging loudly and announcing that the virus database has been updated. Thank you, Avast.

So we are moved into the apartment, joy of joys, however having spent ten wonderful days with our friend Janet and her partner Richard. They were impossibly kind to us, as I believe I may have mentioned once or twice, fed us several dinners, are loaning us several pieces of furniture, and are responsible for the fact that we have a queen size bed to use, as opposed to one single twin size air mattress. Yay for NOT sleeping on the floor!!

The apartment is adorable; at the end of the post I'll link to some pictures. It's very small, the doors don't shut unless you really turn the handle, there is a grand total of one small closet in the entire place, the toilet sometimes doesn't flush normally, and this morning I pulled the shade from the wall while attempting to open it; but for all of its quirks -- it was built in 1896, after all -- it's very cute. The walls are not whitewashed, hardwood floors, a ceiling fan, and LOTS of windows. We still have a long list of things - furniture mostly -- that we need, even after spending $113 at Family Dollar going crazy. The result of that is that we have dishes! Actually we got a ton of stuff, so it's all good.

I wish I could be more articulate, but what I can say? I'm worrying about: getting black polishable shoes for my job at the Renaissance Hotel (working 6am shifts as a server person), remembering to print out my CampusFrance stuff and finding a way down to Atlanta, where the French consulate is; whether or not we will actually ever have wireless in the apartment (we were going to share with someone but the network is not quite as reliable as an angry rhinoceros). I'm excited about starting work, about going to baseball games --- we went to a game last night, which was far too much fun even though I spent $20 on food for the two of us and ate barely half of my own. I was shanghaied into doing this funky competition on the field of throwing nerf balls at this board. I had three tries and missed on all of them, however the last two were perfect throws, just too high. In any case we had a fine time and biked back up the damn hill at the end -- I should mention that EVERYTHING in Asheville is uphill, no matter which way you're going.

Things should settle down soon; with four or five shifts at the Renaissance and a couple shifts at Pack Place I'll finally have some money coming in. I'm planning for a baseball game and a dance class a week, which would be lovely. In the mean time, I'm awake most nights; Frankenstein's monster likes to hang out below the window and hack his guts out. Of course I sleep eventually, but there's a lot stressing me out for no particular reason.

Hilary and I are both extremely happy to be settled in -- we were SOOO TIRED on Sunday after moving though, and celebrated with a shot from the entire bottle of Captain Morgan that the previous tenant left behind for us, which we think is fantastic and if we finish it by the end of the summer I will be shocked.

In any case, since we are leaching off the internet I must go. Keep in touch, by the way.

EDIT: I forgot to add the link for the pictures. Here it is:

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