Thursday, June 24, 2010

June 23rd, 2010

I have nothing to report except a new story that further showcases the idiocy of the corporate workplace. And I suppose I'm buying into that world when I offer a disclaimer and say that I am making fun of everyone equally. I just know about the place I'm working because, well, that's where I'm working. Trust me. You do it too. I know you do. I am not only making fun of the people I work for. I think it's all ridiculous.

In ANY case. So. Today I work both jobs and attend a dress rehearsal for the show I'm assistant stage managing, which equates to a 7am-10pm day, with no time in between except maybe to eat. Last night I had to get together all my various clothes and food and shoes necessary, and along the way managed to leave behind my name pin, a fact I realized as soon as I arrived at the hotel. Uh. Oh.

So I go in and put on my uniform, and upon learning that I have no name tag, all the servers tell me to keep it hidden from the dude in charge, we'll call him Peter for the blog's sake. He comes around. I slink around trying not to be noticed. I manage -- sort of. I am slinking somewhat guiltily by, I say "good morning!' cheerfully, and then he says, "where's your name tag, Gillian?"


I say it's at home, and I'll look for it tonight (I know exactly where it is. It's just not with me.) Then here's the kicker: he says he can get in BIG TROUBLE if I don't have it. In fact, "if we get audited," he could get in trouble for a WHOLE YEAR.

All because I don't have my name tag.

At which point, the whole time I am nodding and looking appropriately chastened and saying "okay" and "I understand", I am thinking, "WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?!"


A whole year of trouble because of a name tag?! Good heavens, what are we doing with our time? Shouldn't someone be worrying about the oil spill? Or maybe thinking up new ways to use energy? But instead we are spending our time deciding that not wearing a name tag is grounds for keeping a hotel under watch for an entire year?

My god.

Really though. My god.

Then of course he later caught me eating a cookie in the kitchen, which is a Big No No too -- oy -- and later on I discovered there was a problem with my paycheck. Allow me to be incredibly self-righteous for a minute and say that my punches were completely messed up, such that I was getting paid WAY over what I was supposed to get -- and I reported it immediately, so my paycheck will be probably half - or less -- than what it said on the check today. Not to mention I've forgotten to punch in and out about five times, so they have to look through all the stuff with me and make sure my hours are right. Yikes. They are now thinking, why in the WORLD did we hire that girl? All this trouble for a summer's worth of work, what were we thinking?!

It's kind of like me and the goddamn phone processing fee that I've forgotten to add at least twice now. All very embarrassing and strange and I swear I am not usually this scatterbrained. Wonder why so much is falling through the cracks right now...

Anywho. Just had to say that.


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