Wednesday, June 23, 2010

June 22nd, 2010

It has been a month to the day since we arrived in Asheville. As I write this, it is almost exactly a month to the hour since we looked at the apartment we are currently sitting in, watching as the internet sporadically connects and disconnects and trying to figure out what to eat for dinner.

I kept thinking about blogging recently and then decided not to because I thought nothing happened, but now that I think about it, actually a lot happened. And since I can’t currently remember what day I last wrote, and I can’t get on the internet to check, I may repeat myself. I apologize. I am also tired, so that would probably do it.

So the jobs are going well. I got paid from one, yay. I don’t know yet about the other and if the internet was working I’d get on Chase and check it out. But I can’t. So never mind. But in any case, I had yesterday and today off from the hotel, and then work 7a-1p Wednesday through Sunday. I will be training to actually wait tables, which is what I want to do, because I like people and I want the tips. I also think I would make an incredible server.

However, I will be training ‘on the down low’ whenever the guy in charge is in his office and not paying attention, because my supervisor had to convince him that I could actually wait tables. What the problem was is beyond me, but there apparently was a hold up—probably the lawyers decided you can’t train for more than two jobs within a week or something like that. Personally I can’t see what his problem would be with me serving. Maybe I’m too young and therefore irresponsible. Or he knows I broke a couple dishes bussing and decided that means I’m untrustworthy. WHATEVER. IVY LEAGUE EDUCATION, buddy.

Anyway, as for my other job, I am working exactly four hours this week, so I can’t WAIT to see my pay check for that. That is also the job which doesn’t have direct deposit, so I am forced to open an account with a bank here for the summer. At least, that’s what I think I’m going to do. I’ll probably go in on Thursday and see what they recommend. I also need to take a bus ride out to the NC DMV at some point and get an ID card for visa…

Have I mentioned yet that the visa process is a total Pain In The Butt? At the very least I believe that my friend (boy?) is going to help out and find a friend to drive us down. The unfortunate part is that due to timing, I have to go down the weekend of my birthday. Annoying. And I’m not even turning 21, so it’s not like we can enjoy the Atlanta nightlife in celebration. I was kind of hoping to be here and just chill, but we must do what we must.

I’ve also managed to acquire a non-paying job assistant stage managing a show for the summer dance company here called Terpsicorps. I think I may have already mentioned my postering amusement, but this week I’ll be at the theatre every single night until about 10. It’s cool and all, and I’ll learn a lot, but since I’m currently tired it’s rather frustrating. However, as a perk, I get to take classes with the company, so for the past two days I’ve taken a ballet class with a bunch of professional dancers. Yes, it is very intimidating. It’s a little discouraging because I still think I’m pretty behind, but encouraging in that I realize that the only thing that separates me from the rest of the dancers is strength. Balance, extension, everything, it all comes with strength. So if I get myself really strong again, I’ll be golden.

My technique, if you’ll allow a self-absorbed tangent on dancing here, is pretty solid, and there are no steps we’ve done in the classes that I actually don’t know. My ability to do them is sometimes lacking, and I’m sure I look like a clown next to the incredible dancers around me, but I at least know what I’m trying to do. That is important, by the way. But in any case, I am going to try and make a habit of giving myself a barre on the mantle every day and doing some stretching, because my hips could stand to be a lot more flexible.

Anyway, so yesterday – my day off – I biked off to class, took an hour and a half of ballet, then biked up the infamous Clingman hill –whenever I reference this, picture a steep hill. It is fortunately not long, but it is a bruiser. Upon returning home, Hilary and I gathered all of the many clothes that smell like sweat and hiked off to the transit center and caught a bus to West Asheville, home of the Laundromat and an Ingles grocery store. We did laundry and got food, both extremely overdue, and called our friend Richard to pick us up and take us home, which was WONDERFUL.

However, even after all that, my day wasn’t over. My friend (boy?!) came over for dinner. He, Hilary, and I decided to make a run for ice cream afterwards, and were of course right by the little convenience store down the street when it started to rain. So we ran. And then it started to pour. And then the power went out. We still managed to buy ice cream (and beer) and hung out in the store waiting for the rain to stop, then ran all the way back home barefoot because flip flops are useless in the rain, not to mention dangerous. It was a lot of fun, actually. Crazy. But the sort of thing you do when you’re young and it’s summer.

Naturally, the power was out at our place too, so we hung out for a bit, then Raj (the (boy?)friend) and I decided to go contra dancing. So we biked there and did exactly that, about an hour and a half of crazy dancing. Fun as always. I ended up crashing at his place for the night, then biked off for another hour and a half class with the professionals, a class that was much harder than the previous day, at least, technically, so I managed to look slightly silly. Then I biked BACK up the Clingman hill, grabbed some food, and booked it to the theatre, where I spent all afternoon. My main job is filling these GIANT balloons with helium, tying them, and attaching them to string. And then making sure they get to stage right. We are on dinner break right now – a good three hours – so I have to be back at 6:45. I will probably be there until 10. Yay. And then up at six to be at the hotel tomorrow morning.

Yes, I know, whine whine moan. I wouldn’t be so grouchy if my body wasn’t so sore. But since you’re probably embarrassed for me, I’m going to cut myself off and wait for the internet to return so I can post this.

Until next time.

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