Sunday, July 11, 2010

July 10th, 2010

Of course, some days you have to get through with some help, such as (several) healthy doses of ibuprofen and a cup of dark coffee with some hazelnut creamers. Some of the fault is my own, some of it is just organic chemistry that I have no control over. The coffee takes care of the former, the ibuprofen the latter.

So I decided to just screw worrying about sleeping--I get off at one, after all, so after I got off the second job of the day, I pedaled over to west Asheville in the dusk, foggy from the rain, the air sticking to my skin and water flecking my calves. The fog slowly burned off as the evening wore on, and I spent it on the porch with Raj and his brother, drinking dos equis while some determined cicada shouted in a nearby tree. It was pretty late by the time we finally wandered inside and headed for bed, and I wasn't asleep for at least another hour, up thinking about various things -- mainly Atlanta.

I discovered that Raj may not be able to get off work on Friday, thus not being able to drive down with me, thus resulting in me, driving down to Atlanta by myself. The thought is pretty terrifying, but it is out of my hands. What am I going to do, force him to come down with me? Hardly. I must live with faith that if he can't get off work, then the universe needs me to go by myself, or with my sister if she can get off. Either way, I'll figure it out. I'd just -- obviously -- like to not have to.

However, yesterday a number of things fell into place, not the least of which was my award letter from Columbia financial aid. I don't want to go into specifics, for a variety of reasons, but basically without a HUGE boost from Columbia, there would be no way that I'd be able to pay for my year abroad. My parents can't help me financially whatsoever, and I'm lucky to be able to save a couple thousand by the end of the summer. However, thanks to my aid advisor and the team over there, I am incredibly relieved and delighted to announce that I WILL be able to pay for at least most of the year. It was a huge, huge load off my shoulders and the shoulders of my parents, and has eased my mind considerably. I will probably have to take out a small student loan at some point, but for the moment things are looking pretty good.

Anyway, with all of that running around in my head, I got roughly four and a half hours of sleep, and then was awakened for a predawn ride up the Clingman hill to work. It was long before the heat, and actually fairly cool (until I started climbing of course), and I would probably have appreciated it much more if not for the waves of intense pain in my abdomen. Such is life. In any case, we were busy at work, and with twelve ounces of said dark roast with hazelnut creamers, I could have conquered the world (at least, as soon as the ibus kicked in).

Upon (finally) getting off, I hopped on the bike and came home and promptly crawled back into bed and slept for two solid hours. I woke up to a stunningly sunny Saturday afternoon, not really too hot for a change. Hilary is out at the Tourists, so I'm by myself for the evening, but equipped with a new book, courtesy of Hilary, and a computer with internet (did I mention it's fixed?!?!?!) and a subscription to MLB.TV, I think I'll be okay. I never like being alone for too long in the apartment, but there you have it. Maybe I'll take a little walk or something, just to get outside into the gorgeous sunshine.

So at the end of all of that, it's been a strangely wonderful day, despite everything, though I suppose I should say including everything. It's a week till my birthday, and T minus 6 days till visa madness.

Until next time.

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