Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Tuesday Night Chatter

Pretending you don't have work does not unfortunately make it go away.

Someone should fix that.

I am doing a rare double post, because I wanted to talk about the auditions of this morning but thought it was not appropriately scattered for an edition of Tuesday Night Chatter, which keep mysteriously disappearing to the "Oh, yesterday was Tuesday!" syndrome.

I like being an assistant especially because of the high level clearance I have to eavesdrop on high level conversations. It's kind of funny to be "the people" from the "I'll have my people call your people and we'll do lunch" cliché, but I really don't mind. I do think though that this month has gone well over the 12-15 hour a week limit and will probably quietly remind my boss about it, but I think everyone has been working overtime this month.

Currently in the process of wrapping up one job -- set the end date today -- and starting another, discussed in tonight's previous post, which makes everything seem doubly as urgent as it probably is.

It is kind of an impediment to a job where you are expected to remember things when your brain gets so full that things start leaking out the ears, but I think for the most part I've succeeding in holding all the gray matter in or at least catching it when it starts sneaking out the back door.

However historic it may be, Obama's visit is wrecking all sorts of havoc, closing random streets and causing traffic jams to forever. Uniformed officers with machine guns are stationed at some of the major intersections and the Cambodian drivers seem to be more annoyed than awestruck. Occasionally, while pulled over and waiting for traffic to move again, you see the motorcades going by, all blacked out windows, suits, vans and flashing lights, with the police escorts.

It is cool, of course, but for the most part it's just madness, and he's spending his time running around like a madman, and I think everyone will be pretty happy when things go back to normal tomorrow.

Apparently you people (well, most of you) are getting into holiday season, which is really quite surprising for me. I'm having a Thanksgiving dinner with some friends, which will be great, but the holiday energy is not here. It's been cooler (relatively), but this is no winter for me and it seems very bizarre to think we are in mid-late November.

As with absolutely everything here -- not bad.

Just utterly different.

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