I feel like I talk a lot about my dishes on this blog. I really didn't intend for that to happen, especially because I'm sure you don't care about my dishes or the fact that however much I think I do them, they always pile up and I always ask -- like the internet can really help me with this problem -- why they do that. I guess I just wanted to apologize for the amount of bandwidth my dishes take up.
We could probably get into a discussion now about how much bandwidth I just took up to even have this discussion, but that is getting too meta for a Tuesday night after a long day, and I don't have the energy. Let me just go cackle about how ridiculous this is and I'll get back to you in a second.
I haven't really started work for my new job as executive assistant -- another part time thing that thankfully does not require me to be anywhere for any length of time, just reliably connected to the internet -- and I don't, in fact, get to wear a suit and sensible heels and follow my boss around with a clipboard and a bluetooth. That's kind of disappointing but I'm sure despite this it will be great fun.
Maybe it's due to the fact that I'm currently pumping out creative litters and am always thinking about something, but my sleeping habits have drastically changed. While at the beginning of my stay here I was happily going to be at ten or ten thirty, or sometimes even earlier -- and honestly, there wasn't a ton else to keep me up and that's fine with me -- recently I'll notice sometime around eleven that I'm still not in bed. Usually that's cause for me to be like, huh, yeah so maybe I should go to bed. But I'm not particularly tired during the day, so I guess it's not a bad thing and whenever I need more sleep my body will probably let me know.
It is, however, odd, because I'm used to needing naps if I get less than eight hours a night, but -- still to my chagrin -- I'm not really dancing right now. I bike everywhere and I guess that counts as exercise, but maybe it's not the same and maybe a half hour of biking and laying on the brakes every two seconds doesn't do the same as a hour and a half dance class.
Not that I mind the whole creative litter thing. I think it's fantastic and just way too much fun, and I think maybe I'll just live my whole damn life like this.
Hey, why wouldn't you, right??
The amaretto creamer stuff I bought was really a genius move, but I did realize that it doesn't really help me when I want my afternoon tea, so I had to go back and get some soy milk, but I have a suspicion that the soy milk I bought -- and didn't really examine that closely -- is somehow sweetened, because the mac n' cheese I made was a lot sweeter than it really should be and was therefore kind of crap, which was annoying because I was really looking forward to it.
I'm not obligated to be anywhere tomorrow morning, at least not according to my google calendar, which is currently taking over my existence. I don't know if there is literally something wired in my brain that physically writing stuff down helps me remember, or if I was actually this attached at the hip to my planner, but since I transitioned over to google calendar I feel totally helpless. I have to ask google to tell me what I'm doing, or at least what I'm supposed to be doing.
I think, however, I actually did reference my planner just this much, it was just around more often. I suppose that's why people have smart phones.
Just add it to the wishlist...
I discovered last night, when I wasn't sleeping, that my new camera has all sorts of fancy settings, including one called 'Beauty Fix' where you can have it put makeup on you, with somewhat terrifying results. I'll have to experiment with it and post it here, but the one it tried to do for me just ended up looking like an alien.
It also takes 3D photos, which explains the somewhat random 3D glasses in the box with all the cables. I haven't yet tried, but you can bet that whenever I have some time and nothing better to do, I'll do so. I'm quite skeptical, actually. I think it will be a very fake 3D, but hey, we'll see. I actually did catch myself the other night wondering if I took a 3D photo, then took a photo of the photo through the blue lens, a photo through the red lens, if I could smash the two together and make a 3D image on my computer without the need of glasses.
I think that was about the point when I thought, okay no actually I should go to bed, but I still wonder. And I was talking about meta earlier...
I'm going to wrap this up before I talk myself into anymore circles. I'm still open for questions if you happen to have any. Or I'll just continue on my merry meta way...
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