It is interesting being able to actually see this new tattoo, as my first was (is) on my back and involves twisting in all sorts of funky ways to see, even with a mirror. Hence with this one I can see all the stages of healing, like the current strange, inky scabby state it is in, and yes I know that was too much information, but this is TNC and I get to blather about whatever it is on my mind. And subject you to it. (Cue the evil laugh).
At least it has stopped leaking ink, which it did just for a day at the start. I didn't worry too much about it because the internet told me that's normal, if nevertheless quite alarming. Either way, it looks very healthy, so my instincts about the place's cleanliness and Chickie's care were correct.
Sometime I think the extent to which I live in the now is a little ridiculous: I had a long weekend and started to get quite bored and therefore homesick, but then today when the madness started anew that is all forgotten.
I just discovered the wonders of google calendar and am wondering if telling it to email me with all the things I need to do and will most likely remember -- but always run the risk of spacing completely -- will be genius or really annoying. I suppose we'll find out soon enough. Since my day planner got stolen I've been using this mini notebook as such, but I don't really look at it most of the time and rely on my memory, which is good enough, until it's not.
There are still things falling from the sky. I am somewhat leery about having enough time to actually do it, but I have been asked to be someone's executive assistant -- flexible hours and not in the office, so I've been told -- which I think is pretty cool. I'm attempting to choreograph the first dance for someone's wedding, still working on the translation project, and in the meantime working a part time job that demands a hell of a lot of attention and creativity.
The job, therefore, is of course fantastic, even though I've spent the past two weeks just trying to figure out how to keep everyone's to do lists in working condition. I'm not really sure how much I'm allowed to talk about what I do there, because it's in the legal field and therefore all strictly confidential and I signed a contract saying I won't talk about things, and I won't open a competing business. (Which is highly unlikely, anyway you cut it.)
I'm not making much sense to myself tonight, which I think is a function of having to think all day long. I had a great meeting over lunch about the public performance idea for my workshop kids, which is naturally more complicated than just plopping them onstage, though for the majority of it we were busy wondering where the hell our food was -- we'd gone to the café next door to my house, and apparently the kitchen had a total breakdown, because there is no other possible explanation for how terrible the service was.
Half an hour after ordering we were told that they were out of what Frances had gotten, and some forty five minutes later it finally came. I got a club sandwich, which was depressingly small considering how ravenous I'd become during the wait.
We paid and left as quickly as possible with solemn promises never to return, and went for coffee and cookies to Java. It just seemed kind of necessary after the previous ordeal.
I suppose what I mean to say is that I'm busy again, which is always better for me. I function better when I have things to do with my life. With everything coming up, I don't think I risk to spend a lot of time bored -- besides the actual paid work which is thankfully coming out my ears, I'm still thinking about that fusion idea and just met someone interested in exploring dance and film....
Well, I guess you could say life is pretty cool.
(And I still am terrible at doing those stupid dishes.)
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