Tuesday, June 1, 2010


For the past two nights, I’ve had these crazy, intense rescue mission dreams. I’ve been in bed by midnight and I don’t get up until past 11:30, though I usually wake up at nine and decide to sleep a bit more. But the past two mornings, my dreams have attacked me. I dream of buildings often; whenever I can remember my dreams there is some large, many roomed, and impossible to find anything kind of building in them.
The one this morning I was trying to sneak in and accomplish some sort of task. I won’t bore you with the details, but let’s just say, you know those dreams where you spend the entire time trying not to get caught? If so, you know exactly what it was like.

I suppose, if you believe (and I do) that your dreams reflect things in your life, then I’m trying not to get caught by life itself, sneaking around and trying to dive in when the water’s clear and grab the prizes at the bottom. “Next week”, now this week I guess, is sneaking up behind me, with a few vague promises for interviews and callbacks, and I really can’t help but wonder if June 1st is a little late to be figuring out what you’re doing for the summer. But nevertheless, many businesses seem to be in exactly that position. And so, armed with bike, I will go downtown to begin the dreaded Follow Up process on Wednesday or Thursday, depending on who (or if) I hear from. I’m still waiting for the restaurant manager at Renaissance Hotel to get back to me – I have bothered the poor HR manager enough, but I will do so again if I don’t get a call by Wednesday. I do hope that I don’t annoy him so much he rescinds his blessing…but I doubt it. Don’t they say persistence pays off?

I am almost over my cold, thank goodness. I suppose this forced vacation – that is, the world shutting down for the holiday weekend and nothing going anywhere on the job front, leaving me with absolutely nothing to do – has been good for me. I am finally slowing down a bit, and yes, you’d probably have to see it to believe it. I’ve quite enjoyed the lazy mornings, waking up slowly on the porch swing, and returning after the latest afternoon trip to sit and drink tea outside with a book.
We spent a little time wandering around today, seeing what shops were around and looking at the neighborhood. There seems to be no end to the barber shops – do people really need to cut their hair that often? – but the neighborhood is very cute, all these charming little houses, each with its own garden. Of course, even in Asheville, the southern equivalent of Boulder, there’s your intolerant you-know-whats; we saw a couple signs rather forcefully telling us to go back to Mexico or the hood, depending on the race.

Tomorrow I think we’ll bike down to the Biltmore Estate park and have a picnic for Memorial Day; tonight Janet is cooking Turkey burgers and potato salad, since she won’t be around tomorrow night. We are getting more food out of the deal than we planned, which is great but I really hope we aren’t imposing. I worry about that certainly, but she has been so kind, and she knows we are both itching to get into our own place (so it’s not as though we are just squatting here).
I haven’t seen any fireflies since that first night. Some strange soul was up shooting firecrackers last night and whooping, which Hilary and I both found incredibly amusing, seeing as the fourth of July is over a month away. I suppose they just wanted to light up the sky a bit. But about the fireflies, maybe I’ll lather myself in insect repellent and go hunting for them tonight. Little stars of my own.

(Though I guess, why not whoop if you set off firecrackers? Still, a bite early in my opinion)

So apparently I’m going contra dancing tomorrow night. Asheville, so far as I can tell, is the contra dancing mecca. It’s a cousin of square dancing, and is apparently a lot of fun. In the week since we’ve been here, I have had three separate people – out of the few we’ve really met and talked to – tell me to go, and ask me to join them at various times. This particular one is the son of a friend of my mother’s. So it’s six bucks to get in, and I hate to say it but even that I have to think before I spend – I’ll do it this time because I want to meet people, and if I can go with someone I know, but we’ll see. I’m sure it’ll be a lot of fun, but there is always that little reticence because it’s so new and I will probably know exactly one person there. Two, if Hilary goes. We’ll see if she does – she’s not really the dancing type. But she has surprised me before. Janet gave me a dress to wear, very pretty and flowy, white with flowers on it. It fits me surprisingly well and makes me feel pretty, so it’s all good.

It’s funny with those things; like I said I know I’ll have a good time because I love dancing and it’s very social, but again – it’s hard for me to go into places I don’t know people. Must be a learned skill. Still, it’ll be a good thing and will definitely keep me occupied.

I was going to make this much more artistic, but that’s not really happening, and before I start getting whiny because I’m thinking about this upcoming week and stressing, I’ll sign off. I’ll make sure I actually have something to say when we see each other next.

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