Saturday, January 19, 2013

Hi hey hello, yes, yes I'm here

Dear Reader:

I have not forgotten about you.

I have just been really really busy, and some really important things have happened, like the first two weekends at CTN (and all of the grand messes that came with) and the showcase with my students at Cambodian Living Arts, which I've only been working towards for my entire stay here.

Those things have happened and happened in spite of a lot of things, and inside them every second was full and filled and I could have written about it, but didn't dare get language involved in the very delicate matter of walking creations from my head to reality.

Writing would have also required thinking, and thinking about something besides what was in front of my eyes and pasted on the inside of my eyelids.

I'm  not sure if I'll be able to go back and write about it. I'm currently in the middle of a 4-concert, 15-song weekend that is being compounded by the GM watching and serious music issues, and my ability to think about anything besides putting something halfway decent onstage (which was a bit touchy today, and my biggest priority for Wednesday's rehearsal is getting the dancers to dance like human beings and not robots) is quite limited.

In any case. I've decided that instead of spamming the heck out of everyone on Facebook with my misadventures at CTN, I'm moving all of that to Twitter, where I can invent hashtags and whine all I like, and will fit in just fine. My handle is @pixiedustdance. I'll attempt to keep the tweets up, live-tweet a concert or two, and generally report on all the various madness I can possibly spot (I don't have to work too hard currently...).

And whenever I come out of haze of obsession and focus that is keeping me going right now, we'll talk.

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