Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Tuesday Night Chatter

I have other things I can probably be writing about, like all the various things I promised.

But I'm just going to put this here, these little thoughts on a Tuesday night that I am actually convinced is Wednesday night. I'm not sure why, but I think it has to do with the fact that one of my students who usually has rehearsal on Wednesday came today after missing last week, in theory to rehearse and actually just ended up hanging out.

Some of the pieces are in decent shape, others that have barely started 4 weeks out and appear to be moving at snails' paces, choreographers who show up with no idea what to teach dancers and then ask ME to do it (whoa whoa whoa there suckers, that's cheating). All of the choreographers need coaching not about dancing but about leading, how to get and keep dancers' attention and what to do with it once you have it.

I decided to attempt to cook something besides dumplings and salad for dinner tonight, and made an omelette of epic proportions with red onions, some mushrooms that for whatever reason looked good at Lucky (I don't even like mushrooms I don't think, not unless my Dad cooks them with an unhealthy amount of butter and garlic), speaking of which garlic, cherry tomatoes, and cheddar cheese.

Honestly, it wasn't really that good. Maybe I didn't add enough butter, though I suspect it is the lack of spices instead. Well, hey, I tried. Tomorrow it'll be back to pasta and the tomato basil sauce I have. I don't eat khmer food for dinner as I don't know how to make it and don't want to eat out.

Speaking of which, that is money, which is required to eat out, I realized that my health insurance that I had bought for six months was expiring at the end of this month and decided that basic or not, having the option to get flown out the country in case of an emergency is kind of important in the case of, so I renewed it. The premium went up, and a lovely lass named Sallie Mae has gotten my attention...hello to the world of paying back student loans. Thankfully my monthly payment is very low as thankfully Columbia didn't make me get too many loans, however --

Well, it just makes me feel like an Adult with a capital A.

I've started taking some time in the day when I'm home to sit out on my balcony and watch the world outside go by; I spend too much time on the computer anyway and I've been craving time to just process and deal with the insanity of the past five and a half months, during which I didn't really have much time to process and blasted through as I tend to do.

Now, with an indefinite amount of time here and a brain too full, a few set projects for the next month or two, I'm trying to take some relax time. My instinct is to run to the next thing and try to figure everything out now, but I really don't want to. I get the guilty twinge that I'm wasting time and I should be figuring out how to start the company so I can do so as soon as possible, but then I'm just like, chill.

Realistically, nothing is going to happen until after I get back from the States and Europe in mid-April, and probably not until Season of Cambodia is over in May. Sure, that's another five months from now, but who cares. If that time is well-spent processing, researching a bit, and resetting, so that when I do tackle the next big project, I can do so with full attention and energy, five months is nothing.

Anyway I think my point was, I like my balcony. I like my street. I watch all the various lives going by and existing and watch the tin roofs and palm trees and speculate on how many apartments go for in the Cambodian equivalent of a high rise across the way. I wonder why the neighbors are boxing up twenty wireless keyboards, and if the other neighbors are ever going to let the dogs out of the alley where they keep them, and if the empty lot across the way is ever going to be used for more than a parking lot.

And that, these days, is familiar. Times change.

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