Instead of trying to lasso the kids one by one into rehearsal, I decided to postpone rehearsals for a week and get them all into the same room to confirm the schedule, which I was trying to avoid doing. It's probably much easier this way anyhow -- though the excuses I've heard so far for their lack of presence at rehearsals have been pretty lame.
Hey, they're young, and don't know how to take initiative (some people never learn.) With me, they'll learn soon enough, as I am not intending on holding anyone's hand through this process...
The one responsible individual in the bunch is naturally the one with rehearsals at 8 in the morning -- that's gonna be tough. I'm already quite sleepy today as it is. There might have to be nap time worked into my day somewhere.
CTN is taking their sweet time in doing anything, which is a bit annoying but they did at least deign to give me a timeline, which I appreciate.
Everything is kind of shut down for the non-existent water festival, cancelled because of the King Father's death. Usually it's the time - so I've heard - when Phnom Penh is overrun with people from the provinces and everyone here flees on vacation. Most everyone is gone, in other words, except no people coming in, no boat races, no nothing.
As such, I am still working because I have far too much to do to stop, but with the CLA office technically closed and my boss in NYC, I've taken to taking over the ED office and working there, which is great. I have a real desk, air con, and feel quite important indeed, though today the internet was out and I hadn't brought my key with me, so I went to a café instead.
For some reason it is still raining, despite the fact that I'm pretty sure it's supposed to be the dry season now. We had a lovely afternoon shower today -- just after I got home from work, thank goodness -- and I sat on my balcony and watched it coming down in the sunset. I live on a really pretty street, I think, and the light was quickly turning golden. I caught myself looking at the palm trees -- I hadn't really even noticed before -- and was thinking about how back home it's 31 degrees fahrenheit.
It has its own beauty, this place, and I was looking at the tin shanty roofs and the moto drivers on the corner and just thinking how different it is from where I've been before -- and at the same time, how comfortable (as much as I think it can be) it's become. Some days it's uncomfortable as all heck, but more often these days I don't notice it so much.
It's coming up on five months since I've been here. The thought is still strange, but it feels good. It feels like just now things are beginning to gel, and could really be swinging in the months to come.
I've discovered a cache of movies on the website for my internet, and have been taking advantage, as watching movies is the one sure way I can get myself to stop working. It's taken the place of watching sports, as finding football on the TV is rare, hockey is out, and I'm not too interested in watching soccer and boxing.
So I'll make myself some salad and dumplings, curl up for a movie, and head for bed early.
Happy Tuesday, however much I would like it to actually be Friday...
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